We are providing an update on our participation in Texas Commission on Environmental Quality’s (TCEQ) Lead Testing in School and Child Care Program (LTSCC). This is a voluntary statewide program that offers free training and guidance on how to reduce exposure to lead in drinking water where children are cared for. Financial support is made possible by the TCEQ and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
Eden CISD recently completed testing, collecting 18 samples from 9 water outlets. We are pleased to let you know that lead was not detected in any of the samples collected.
Lead is a heavy metal, and some drinking water pipes, taps, solder, and other plumbing materials contain lead. For more information about the sources of lead and health effects of lead please visit the EPA’s “Basic Information about Lead in Drinking Water” web page at: https://www.epa.gov/ground-wat...
A full list of results is available on TCEQ’s LTSCC Program webpage at texasleadtesting.org. For more information about the LTSCC Program, you can visit the program webpage, email info@txleadtesting.org , or call the helpline at (737) 276-1987.