Important School Closure Info for Eden CISD Students and Parents:
- JH/HS students will be online/remote until Monday, November 30th.
- Elementary students are still being provided face-to-face instruction at this time.
- Please, please, please remind your JH/HS students to login to Edgenuity Monday-Friday. This is how we will be taking attendance during the school closure. Students login will be counted as present. If students do not login, they will be counted absent.
- JH/HS students will have online work for each of their classes during the closure.
- Please encourage your JH/HS student to stay on top of their work and not get behind.
- If you have concerns about any classes, reach out to your child’s teacher via email. If you have questions or concerns about technology, please email Kelli Dillard. All staff emails can be found at
- We will be scheduling a day for 11th and 12th graders to order senior rings and caps/gowns once we are back in school.
- School Pictures for all grade levels have been rescheduled for Tuesday, December 8th.