If you've been following our social media postings, you've noticed that we have consistently reported COVID-19 cases every day since August 20. So far, we have had 10 student cases and 2 staff cases. This school year has started off very differently from the 2020-21 year. During the last school year, we reported a total of 12 student cases. We have had almost that many after just two weeks of school.
Our district continues to clean and sanitize classrooms daily. In the lower elementary grades, teachers have continued with the use of plexiglass shields between students. We have face masks available to all students, and hand sanitizer is located in classrooms and hallways. Teachers emphasize to students how to cover their coughs and sneezes to help practice good hygiene skills.
Much of the guidance from last year has changed. One requirement that has not changed is for positive COVID-19 cases - any student or staff who tests positive must stay home for 10 calendar days. We are also required to notify our community and the local health department of any positive cases.
For more information, you can visit our website and check the documents under our COVID-19 page. We continue to do as much as we can within the legal guidelines to keep our students and staff safe. If you have questions or need more information, please don't hesitate to contact me at 325.869.4121.