April starts next week, and our calendar is busy!

Report Cards have been published in the parent portal. Log in to review your student's current averages. We will send home paper copies for 1st-5th grade tomorrow.

Round 1 of district golf is complete. Round 2 is next Monday, March 31, at Concho Springs Golf Course. Good job today by the Blue and White!

Eden CISD Newsletter March 24

Break a leg, EHS One-Act Play! They compete in Garden City tomorrow for bi-district. The students are performing "How to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse!"

The seniors are learning to prevent cross contamination when cooking today as they make chicken fried rice. It smells delicious!

Eden CISD will be closed March 17 through March 21 for spring break. Classes will resume Tuesday, March 25. Have a safe and restful break!

Wear your best smile for spring pictures tomorrow!

Due to the high winds expected on Friday, we will be rescheduling our Elementary color run. Once we have the new date, we will send out that information.

Due to high winds expected on Friday, this week's track meets are being rescheduled. Junior high track meet in Robert Lee will be on Wednesday and the high school track meet in Robert Lee will be on Thursday. Times will remain the same. Only dates changed.

Eden CISD Newsletter March 10

FCCLA State Qualifiers are selling Nothing Bundt Cakes to raise funds for the FCCLA State Leadership Conference in Dallas. Orders are due 4/1/25 and we can take cash or check only. Bundt cakes will be delivered 4/8/25.
See one of the kids to place an order or contact Tiffany Estrada at tiffany.estrada@edencisd.net.
Thank you all for your support!

Great job at the first golf tournament of the season for Emma! She placed 5th at Robert Lee today.
The boys' tournament scheduled for tomorrow (Tuesday) at Robert Lee has been postponed until Wed because of the expected high winds.

Eden CISD Newsletter March 3

FCCLA Results are in: All 5 teams have qualified for the State Leadership Conference in April!
Chapter in Review Display Level 3-1st Place
-Addison Butler
-Emilee Torres
Food Innovations Level 3-2nd Place
-Katelynn Clarke
-Jacie Clark
Promote & Publicize FCCLA Level 2-2nd Place
-Hena Bhakta
-Gavin Gonzales
Chapter in Review Portfolio Level 3-3rd Place
-Logan Briggs
-Emma Sperry
Chapter in Review Display Level 2-3rd Place
-Gilbert Hernandez
-Jayce Torres
-Zoe Saiz
Thank you all for supporting these kids! They have worked so hard so when you see them around town make sure and tell them congratulations.

Our STAR Event teams are all done competing! They all felt good with their presentations. Awards are in the morning to see if they have advanced to state. Way to give it your all!

Our FCCLA teams are headed to Waco to compete at the Region II Leadership Conference. Good Luck! We know you will do great!

March starts soon, and the calendar is full!

Are your student's behaviors driving you crazy and causing a strain on your relationship? Register for Raising Kids with Big Baffling Behaviors. All sessions are via ZOOM. Use the QR code to register.

Eden CISD Newsletter--February 24