Burger meals at the Homecoming game tonight! 🍔🥤
over 2 years ago, Eden CISD Bands
Bulldog Suckers on Sale Tomorrow!
over 2 years ago, Eden FCCLA
Congratulations to the Band Sweetheart Candidates for 2022. Senior Celeste Gonzales escorted by Brett Bolen. Junior Yati Bhakta escorted by Julian Carrion. Junior Kayli Hernandez escorted by Caiden Hernandez. Junior Lucrecia Mendez escorted by Calvin Malone.
over 2 years ago, Tina Briley
Band Sweetheart Candidates 2022
Kaylie Hernandez
Congratulations to the Football Sweetheart Candidates for 2022. Senior Taelyn Doty escorted by Chris Carmack. Senior Haylee Howard escorted by Ezra Gamboa. Junior Jiovanka Fernandez escorted by Jarred Fernandez and Jesus Morales. Junior Tatum Kinnibrugh escorted by Jevon Petrilli.
over 2 years ago, Tina Briley
Taelyn Doty and Chris Carmack
Haylee Howard and Ezra Gamboa
Football Sweetheart Candidates 2022
Tatum Kinnibrugh and Jeven Petrilli
PINK Out Shirts are now on sale! Orders are due by 3:35pm on Monday, September 19th in order for them to be here by our PINK OUT Game October 7th. Order forms will be sent home with elementary students this week. Jr. High and High School students can pick up a form from Mrs. Estrada. There are also some extra forms in the main office. Please contact Tiffany Estrada if you have any questions. tiffany.estrada@edencisd.net
over 2 years ago, Eden FCCLA
Gifted/Talented referrals are open-September 1st-September 30th, 2022. Teachers, parents, or community members can refer students. See the district's Special Programs page under Gifted/Talented for more information. Submit your referrals today!
over 2 years ago, Debbie Clayton
Gym shoes for elementary students.
over 2 years ago, Tina Briley
Gym shoes for elementary
Come share the excitement and walk your child to his/her new classroom Monday evening. This will be a perfect time to get those back-to-school pictures. Due to increased security for our students, parents/guardians are asked to drop students off in the designated drop off areas each morning beginning at 7:30. Parents/guardians may not walk students to their classrooms.
over 2 years ago, Tina Briley
Meet the Teacher
School drop off and pick up instructions for the upcoming year.
over 2 years ago, Eden CISD
School Drop Off & Pick Up Info
Eden CISD is currently taking applications for a driver for our Wall/Fairview route. Applications are due by 3:00, Monday, August 8th.
over 2 years ago, Cierra Briggs
Open Registration will be August 3, 4, & 5th from 8am - 12pm in the new building, located at 420 Kelly St. Attached is a list of needed documents. Please make sure to have these with you. Please email drue.hoelscher@edencisd.net if you have any questions.
over 2 years ago, Drue Hoelscher
Registration Check List
Good Luck to our FCCLA teams that are competing today and tomorrow at the National FCCLA Leadership Conference in San Diego, CA. #EDENPride #txfccla #FCCLANLC
over 2 years ago, Eden FCCLA
We have 10 extra boxes of donuts here and they are ready to be delivered if anyone would like them! Please message me tiffany.estrada@edencisd.net
over 2 years ago, Eden FCCLA
Last chance for Krispy Kreme! Orders are due today!
over 2 years ago, Eden FCCLA
REMINDER: Krispy Kreme orders and money are due on Thursday and will be ready for pickup/delivery on Monday. Please let us know if you would like to order a dozen! We can take cash or check only! Thank you for supporting our national teams!
over 2 years ago, Eden FCCLA
Region 15 Service Center in San Angelo is hosting several parent and family workshops during mid-June and July. Behavior strategies, STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math), Google (grades 6-12), and a Virtual Parent Conference are on the agenda this summer. If you are interesting in attending click on the QR code. Registration is required.
over 2 years ago, Debbie Clayton
Parent & Family Events-Region 15
Come see us this Saturday!! We would love to have your support.
over 2 years ago, Eden FCCLA
bake sale
The Eden FCCLA National Qualifiers are raising funds for their nationals trip to San Diego, CA this summer. We are selling Original Glazed Krispy Kreme donuts for $11.00 a dozen. Orders and money are due June 16th and they will be delivered June 20th. Please let us know if you would like to help us out by purchasing a dozen. tiffany.estrada@edencisd.net
almost 3 years ago, Eden FCCLA
🎉🎉Congratulations today to Hanna, Regan, Amaris, and Emma on your UIL STATE Solo & Ensemble performance at Hendrickson HS in Pflugerville, TX. They joined hundreds of musicians from across the state who advanced from their region competitions. We are so proud! 👏🏼
almost 3 years ago, Eden CISD Bands
Hanna Evans, Regan Galindo, Amaris Massey, Emma Sperry
Sign your Students up for this great program!
almost 3 years ago, Irene Gamboa
Meals to you
Meals to You